Questions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United Kingdom) - Progress and conclusion of public

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

PcacePalace2517KTTheHague.Tel. (070-3924441).Cables:nkru>utThe Hague.

AGlGiMw l -3- 77a). 1GAGJLJLJ.
Membersof the Court+ Staff30-3-92 for immediate rclease
Post OfficeP.P. 31-3-92(10.00)

no. 92/6
30 March 1992

Questionsof Intemretationand A~~iication of the 1971Montreal
Conventionarisinnfromthe AerialIncidentat Lockerbie

(Lib~anArab Jamahiriyav. UnitedKiwdom) and
ILibyanArab Jamahiriyav. UnitedStatesof America)

Pronressand conclusioo nf ~ublichearinns

The following information cismmunicated tt ohe Pressby the

Registryof the InternationaC lourt ofJustice:

The publichearings heldby the Courton the requests for indication
of provisional measure made by Libyain the abovetwo cases,which
opened on Thursday26 March 1992,were concludedon Saturday
28 March1992.

At theopeningSittingof 26 MarchMr. Ahmed SadekEl-Kosheri, who
was chosenby Libyato sit as judgead hoc in eachof the abovetwo
cases,made the solemndeclaration providedfor in Article 20 of the
Statuteof the Court.

Duringthe first rouno df oral arguments, helon 26 and 27 March,
statements weremade:

- on behalfof Libya,by H.E.Mr. Al FaitouriSh. Mohamed,Agentof
Libya; and by Mr.Ian Brownlie,Mr. Jean Salmonand Mr.Eric Suy,
Counseland Advocates;

- on behalfof theUnitedKingdom,by Mr. F.D. Berman,Agentof the
UnitedKingdom; and by Mr. Alan Rodger anMs Rosalyn Higgins, Counsel;

- on behalfof theUnited Statesb ,y TheHon.EdwinD. Williamson, Agent
and Counselof theUnitedStates; by Mr. AlanJ. Kreczko, DeputyAgent
and Counsel; and by Mr. CharlesN. Brower,Mr. BruceC. Rashkowand
Mr. JonathanB. Schwartz, Counsealnd Advocates. .Thesecond round took plaocne 28 March. The speakerswere:

- on behalfof Libya,H.E.Mt. Al FaitouriSh. Mohamed, Agent of Libya;
andMr. Ian Brownlie, Mr. Jean SalmonandMr. Eric Suy, Counseland

- on behalfof theUnitedKingdom,Mr. F.D.Berman,Agent ofthe
United Kingdom; and Mr. Alan RodgerandMs RosalynHiggins,Counsel;

- on behalfof theUnited StatesT ,he Hon.Edwin D. Williamson,Agentand
Counselof the United States;

On 28 March JudgeSchwebelput threequestionsto both theAgentsin
eachof the two cases; Judgead hoc El-Kosheri put a questionto the
Agentof Libya.

The hearingsnow beingcompleted, the Courtwill beginto consider
its decision.

The date of the publicSittingat whichthe Orderson the requests
for the indicatio of provisional measures atroebe readwillbe
announcedin a PressCommuniqué. , T* ,#.-,; - y * 7 ,- P" r
i i ,. i 3 !
, - 9 . .-


PeacePalace,2517 KJ TheHague. Tel. (070-39244 41). Cables:Intercourt,TheHague.

Telefax(070 - 3649928).Telex32323. communiqUé
Members of the Court + Staff 2-4-92 (17.00) for immediaie rclease
Post Office P.P. 3.4.92 (10.00)

No. 92/6 Corr.
1 April 1992

In Press Communiqué of 30 March 1992, the following text should

be inserted after the first paragraph:

The Vice-President of the Court, Judge Shigeru Oda, is presiding
in both of the cases submitted by the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya against,
respectively, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
As far as the case against the United Kingdom is concerned, this is
explained by the fact that the President of the Court,
Judge Sir Robert Jennings, is of British nationality and is therefore
precluded from presiding, by the effect of Article 32 of the Rules of
Court, which begins:

"If the President of the Court is a national of one the

parties in a case he shall not exercise the functions of the
presidency in respect of that case."

In these circumstances, President Sir Robert Jennings decided
that for him to attempt to preside solely in the case against the
United States would be mistaken, as well as inconvenient for al1

GEN /3

ICJ document subtitle

- Progress and conclusion of public hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Questions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United Kingdom) - Progress and conclusion of public hearings
