Finland brings a case against Denmark

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Palace, 2517 ElJThe Hague.Tel. (070 - 3924441). Cables:Intercourt,The Hague.

Telefax (070- 36499 28).Telex 3Communiqué

No. 91/14
17 May 1991

Finlandbrinnsa case anainstDenmark

The following information is communicated toPressby the
Registryof the InternaitionCourtof Justice:

On 17 May 1991 the Republof Finlandfiledin the Registryof the
Court an Application instituting proceedings againstKingdomof
Denmarkin respectof a dispute concerning the questiofnpassageof
oil-rigsthrough the Great BeltStoreBaelt- one of the three straits
linkingthe Balticto the Kattegatand thenceto the NorthSea).

internationallaw for the unilateral exclusiby Denmark,through the
projectedconstructionof a "high-levelridge, 65metresabovemain sea
level",of the passage between thealticand theNorthSea by vessels
suchas drillshipsand oil rigs or other existio ngreasonably
foreseeableshipswith a heightof 65metresor aboveto andfromFinnish
shipyardsand ports. Such exclusion allegedlviolatesFinland'srights

in respectof free passage through the Great Baelestablishedin the
relevant conventionsridcustomary internationlalw. Finlandrecognizes
that Denmarkis fully entitled, as the territorial sovereign, to take
measuresto improveits interna1and international traffic connections,
necessarily limiteby the established rights and intereoftsl1
States,and of Finlandin particular,in the maintenancof the legal
regimeof free passage through the Danish straiIts.Finland'sview,
theserightshave beenignoredby Denmark'srefusalto enter into
negotiationswithFinlsindin orderto find asolutionand byits
insistencethat theplsinnedridgeprojectbe completed without
modification. Accordingly, the Republo icFinland,reservingits rightto rnodify
or to add to its subrnissionand in particularits rightto clairn
compensation for anydamageor loss arising fromthe bridge project,asks
the Courtto adjudgeand declare:

"m That thereis a rightof free passage through the Gre Beltwhich
applies toal1 shipsenteringand leaving Finnish ports and

That this rightextendsto drill ships, oil rig and reasonably
foreseeable ships;

(C) That the constructioonf a fixedbridge over the Great Belt as
currently plannebdy Denmarkwouldbe incompatible with the right
of passagernentioneidn subparagraphs(Land (b) above;

(d) That Denmarkand Finlandshould start negotiationi s,gnod faith,
on how the rightof free passage,as set outin subparagraphs (a)
to aboveshallbe guaranteed."

Finally,Finlandannouncesthat it will shortly file a requestfor
provisional measure in accordancewithArticle41 of the Statuteof the


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Finland brings a case against Denmark
