Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989 (Guinea-Bissau v. Senegal) - Solemn declaration of Judge ad hoc Kéba Mbaye

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for irnrnediatc release
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3 April 1991

Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989

(Guinea-Bissau v. Senegal)

The following i~iformation is communicated to the Press by the

Registry of the Inte~mational Court of Justice:

At the public sïitting of Wednesday 3 April 1991, which marked the
opening of hearings in the above case, Mr. Kéba Mbaye who had been chosen
by Senegal to sit as Judge ad hoc, made the solemn declaration required

by the Statute and Riiles of Court.

A biography of Judge ad hoc Mbaye, a former Member and
Vice-President of the Court, is annexed hereto. Mr. Kéba MBAPE

Judge ad hoc in the case concerning the
ArbitralAward of 31 July 1989 (Guinea-Bissa v. Senegal)

Born on 5 August1924 at Kaolack,Senegal.

Holderof the diplomaof advancedstudiesin privatelaw (Paris);
holder of the certificateof the Ecole nationalede la Franced'outre-mer
(Magistrature Department).

ActingDeputy-Judge(1954-1958);Deputyto the Procureur de la
République,St. Louis,Senegal(1958-1960).

Memberof the SupremeCourtof Senegal(1960)and its First

Honorary First Presidentof the SupremeCourt.

Lecturedat the Facultyof Law of the Universityof Dakarand at the
Ecole nationale d'administratioonf Senegal(1967-1978).

FormerChairmanof the Commissionon the Codification of the Law of
Civiland Commercial Liabilities.

Doctorhonoris causa of the Universitiesof Lille IIand of Savoie
(France)and Bhopal (India).

Has been a member ofvariousUnited Nations bodie and has in
particularparticipated as memberand chairmanin the work of the
Commissionon HumanRights,the Commission responsible for seeking the
settlementof any dispute between States Partt iesthe Convention
against Discriminatio in Education,the Special Committeteo investigate
IsraeliPracticesAffectingthe HumanRightsof the Populationof the
OccupiedTerritoriesand of the Ad Hoc WorkingGroupof Experts to
investigate violation of human rightsin southernAfrica; memberof the
IL0 Committeeof Experts.

Corresponding Membeo rf the Académie royalees sciencesd'outre-mer
de Belgique; Memberof the International Acadeo mfy ComparativeLaw and
of the Institute of InternationalLaw; Memberof the InternationaL law

FormerPresidentand Memberof the International Committo ee
ComparativeLaw, of the International AfricL anw Association,of the
International Committe feor Informationand Documentationin the Social
Sciences; Membeorf the GoverningBoardof the EuropeanFoundation for
HumanRights; Memberof the International Institut of ProceduralLaw;
Vice-President of the International Instituo teHumanitarian Law;
Member of the Administrative Counco il the InternationalPenalLaw
Association,of t.heInternational Criminology Associata ionof the
Sociétéde législation comparée; Vice-Chairmanof the Executive
Committeeof the International Instituo teHumanRights(RenéCassin
Foundation); formerChairmanof the International Commissio on
Jurists; Honorary Presideno tf the World Federationof United Nations
Associations; President the International Acadeo my HunanRights;
Memberof the Société franyaisepour le droit international.

Was Presidentof the IegalSub--Commissio onf the OAU Commissionof
mediationin the border dispute betweU enper Voltaand Mali.and a Member
of the Permanent Courtof Arbitration;was General Rapporteua rt the OAU
Conferencewhich adopted the AfrjcanCharteron Human and Peoples'
Rights,and amemberof the Arbitration Tribunalin the delimitatioo nf
the maritimeboundary between Guine and Guinea-Bissa(u1983-1985).

Memberof the InternationaC lourtof Justicefrom 6 February1982 to
5 February1991; Vice-President of the Courtfrom 1987-1991.

Author of nwnerouspublications concerning tl hew of Senegal,the
law of black Africa,human rtghtsin general,and in particular the right
to development. Has given a courseon Interestto Act before the
International Couro tf Justlceat the Hague Academoyf InternationalLaw

ICJ document subtitle

- Solemn declaration of Judge ad hoc Kéba Mbaye

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989 (Guinea-Bissau v. Senegal) - Solemn declaration of Judge ad hoc Kéba Mbaye
