Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Honduras) - Postponement of fixing of time-limit for Counter-Memorial

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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l'i.,f>,il,i2517hJ 1hc 1la;iic. 'l'c-9341041). CableI,l[clc<~'1iiiiigLie.

'IXelef\ 70 619928). Telex 3232.1.

forimincdiatc. rclease

Distributed 20-12-89 at 16.30
To Members of the Court and Staff

Post Of fice Peace Palace No. 89/26
20-12-89 at 16.45 15 December1989

Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaraguav. Honduraç)
--atponementof fixinpof time-limitfor Counter-Memorial

The following informatioi ns communicatedto the Press by the
Registryof the International Court of Justice:

By an Order of 14 December 1989 the Court decide that the
time-limitfor the filing by Hondurasof a Counter-Memorial on the merits
was extended from 19 February 1990 to a date to be fixedby an order to
be made after11 June 1990.

By letters dated 13 December 1989the Agents of both Parties had
transmittedto the Courtthe textof the agreement reached by the
Presidentsof the Central American countrie on 12 December 1989in
San Isidrode Coronado, Costa Rica;they referredin particularto
paragraph13 thereof.

That paragraph records the agreementof the Presidentof Nicaragua
and the Presidentof Honduras,in the contextof arrangements aimed at
achievingan extra-judicial settlement of the disputw ehich is the
subjectof the proceedings before the Court, to instruct their Agents in
the caseto communicate imrnediatelye,itherjointlyor separately,the
agreementto the Court,and to request the postponemeno tf the date for
the fixingof the time-limitfor the presentation of the Counter-Memorial
of Honduras until 11 June 1990.

By an earlier Order of 31 August 1989 the Presideno tf the Court
had, at therequestof Nicaragua,extendedthe time-limitfor the filing
of a Memorialby Nicaragua from 19 September 19t 89 8 December1989,
reserving the questioo nf extensionof the time-limitfor the filing of
the Counter-Memoriab ly Honduras.

On 8 December1989,Nicaragua hadfiled its Memorial,within the
time-limitfixedby the Presidentof the Court.

ICJ document subtitle

- Postponement of fixing of time-limit for Counter-Memorial

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Honduras) - Postponement of fixing of time-limit for Counter-Memorial
