Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - Hearings of 14 to 19 May 1962

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I.C.J, Communiqué No, 62/13

The follovring information from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice is communicated tc the Press:

In the course of 8 hearings from Honda.y 14 May to Saturday 19 May,

1962, in the ..:ldvisorOpinion in the matter of Financial Obligations
of Members of the United Nations (;"~rt 1i7clparagraph 2, of the
Charter), the Court heard the following:

Mr, Marcel Cadi eux, Deputy ·Under-Secretary ;md Legal Adviser for

the Department of E.xternal 1-d'fairs, on behalf of the Govemment of
Canada; Professer 'lfil. RiphagenLegP.l i"i.dviser to the }iiinistry of Foreign
Affairs, on behalf of the Govemment cf the NethcrlRnds; Professer
Riccardo Honaco, Professer at the University of Rome, Head of Dep0.rtment
for Contentious DiplolllEI.tic Questions, Jlünistry of Foreign io.ff~r os,
behalf of the Government of Italy; the Rt. Hon. Sir H.eginald JVkmninghwn

Buller, Q,C., M,P,, on behe.lf of the Govemment of the United Kingdom;
Mr, Jens Evensen, Director-Genernl, Norvmgian ~tinistr of Foreign
llffairs, on behalf nf the Government of Nonmy; Sir Kenneth Bailey,
C.E.E., Solicitor-Gencral, on bchalf of the Government of ;mstre.lia;
Mr. Aindrias 6 Caoimh, s.e., ..::;.ttorney-Gencri:on bohalf of the

Govermnent of Irela.nd,

The ne:x:t hoaring will be hcld on Honda.y_, 2l Mc1.y,at 10.30 E.m. J
at \vhich time the Court will he~r Mr. G.I. Tunkin, Professor, Director
of the Juridical-Treaty Departmont of tho Hinistry of Foreign ;.ffe.irs,
on behalf ef the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,

and the Honorable :.bram ChayGs, Legal .i:..dviseDepr~.rtm efnttate,
on behalf of the Gcvernmcnt of the United States of "~rica,

The Hague, 19 M8;ir1962.

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearings of 14 to 19 May 1962

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - Hearings of 14 to 19 May 1962
