Temple of Preah Vihear - Hearing of 10 April 1961

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I.C.J. Coril~iluniué No. 61/7
(Unofficiel )

The following information from the Registry of the International Court
of Justice is comunicnted to thc Press:

At 10.30 n.m.
on 10 April 1961, the Court opened the public heering
in the case concerning the Temple of Pre~h Vihear (~îabodia -. ~hailmd)
(~reliminar~ 0b jec tions) .

At the beginning of thc he.?xing, the Court instclled the six new
@ Mernbers who nere elected by the General Hsse~ibly md the Security Council
of the United W?.tions in Suveinber 1960. They ,are: Sir Gersld Fitzmuurice,
M. Vladimir M. Koretshy, Mr. Kotaro Tcmakt?., M. José Luis Bustta~ante y
Rivero, 10. Philip C. Jessup and ivfGaetmo iklorelli. Biographicsl notes
concerning these Judges nere appended to Communiqué No. 61/5.

After the Judges concerncd hnd made the solemn declarations provided
for in Articles 20 of the Statute and 5 of the Rules of Court, the
President ~mounced that Judge Cordova lijasprevented, for rensons of

hezlth, from attending the present session and that Judge Jessup had
statcrl that in pursunnce of Article 17 of the Statute of the Court, he
would not be able to p~~rticipnte in the decision of this case.

Hnving noted that the Agents of the Parties and their Counsel nere
present, the President then called upon the Agent for the Goverment of
Thailand, s.S.H. Prince Vongscmahip Jny?.nkurs, Ambnssndor of Thailand to
the Nethcrlmds, who mcde n short statement, nhereupon Counsel for
Th.xi.land, Sir Frank Soskice, Q.C., Member of the English BCr and formerly
kttorney-General of Engl,d, :t'IrJmes Ncvin Hydc, Plenber of the Bar of
the Stnte of New York 2nd a llemher of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the
United States, and Me. Ii!l,-zrcel Slusny, &?enber of the Bur of the Brussels
Court of Rppe,?.l addressed the Court.

Me. Slusny will continue bis speech ct the hearing v~hich will open
at 10.30 2.m. tomorrow, 11 April.

The Hague, 10 April 1961

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Document Long Title

Temple of Preah Vihear - Hearing of 10 April 1961
