Temple of Preah Vihear - Hearings of 15 to 20 mars 1962

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l "a' "

I.C.J. Gom.miqué No, 62/7

The follotving informatLon framthe Registry of the International
Court of Justice fs comunicated ts the Press:

In the course of eight hearings from 15 to 20 %rch 1962, in the
case coficerning theTemple of Fre& Vjhear (Cambadia 1. ha il and)
(I~rits) the Court heard the ZoUowing witnesses md exprts who,
before taking thc stand,made the solemn declarations provided forin
Article 53, paragraph 2 (witnesses) and pragraph 3 (exparts)of the
Eules of Court:

(a) M. Suon Bonn, former Governor of KompongThom, at present
Insnector, Poli.ticri,and AdministrativA effairs, bis try
of the Interior (~ai'ribadia)as a witness presentedby
Caiiodia .

M. Suon Bonn wa.5 examii?ed by Professor Pinto,Counsel for CambodLa,and
cross examined by Sir Frank Soskice, Gounssl for Thailanci.

(b) Profess 31-IrJiLlerScherrne-rhor, Dean of the Int ~rnational
Training Centre for Aerial Suïvey, Delft, as an expert
present ed by Th?..iland.

Professor Schermerhorn was emmjned by Sir F'ranlSoskiceand cross
exa~rined by the Honourable Dean Acheson, Counself ar Cambodia. He
was rc-emmined by Sir Fran!: Soskice.

(c Pi. Friedrich S. Aclcerrrann, lzcturer at the International
Trainhg Centrefor Aerial Surveg, Delft, 2s a witness and
an expert presented by Thailand.

itb, Xck~rmnn was exanined by Sir Frank Soslcice and cross examuled by
tho Honourable De3n iiches~n and Frofessor P2ul Router, CclunseL for
Canibdia. He was ro-examhed by Sir Frank Soçkice.

(d) NI-, Herman Theodoor Verstappcn, Geornorpbologist, Head of the
Geological Section of the InternationLiL Trsining Gcntre for
Aerial Survey, Dalft, as im expert presented by Th2iland.

Nr. Versta9pen was emmed by Sir Frank Soskice and cross examined by
the Honourable Dean Acheson. He was re-emnined bj Sir Frank Soskice.

Following the hcaring of the witncssesand experts the Gowt, with
the p.rticipt ion of representativss of th? Parties,emininedin camera
a docwnt produced by the Goverment of Caxbodia, namly a film of
the diaputed area.

tihen the public hwrings were rasumed, ~~uestions were put to the
witne sses and a::perts' bythe following bTeinbers of t'hsGourt :

Judge T.,icllhgton Koo tciM. Suan 6onn and, at a latcr stage,
to ihk. -4ci~:ermnn.

Juclge Sir Gzrald Fit~~urice to Yi.Suan Bonn, i~k. Ackermam
and Ph-. Verstappcn .

The Agent for Thail~izd, H.S.H. Prince Vongsmahip Jayankura, read
the submrisslons on behzlf of his Govermfi~nt in rsply. to the original

final submissions filed by Caribodie.
The ..,, The Agent for Cmbodia, liis iixcellency l,i,Sruong Csng, read the
final submissions of his Goverment, 2s anendcd following the hearing
of the witnesses.

Counsel for Thailmd indicated that at the end of the day that
Goverment would file its mended submissions in reply to the amsnded
- submissions of Çambodia.

The next hearing of the Court wiU be held on Wednesday, 21 March
1962 aL 10.30s.in. for the purpose of hcaring the Govzrnmnt of Cambodia.

in iiesorzl reply.

The Hague, 20 March 1962.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Temple of Preah Vihear - Hearings of 15 to 20 mars 1962
