Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - List of the States which have filed written statements

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The followinginformation from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice is comunicated ta the Press:

Fwnther to CommuniquéBo. 61/21 and in the matter of Finnneial
obligations of IbIenbers of the United Nations, written statements
have been f iled (in the order in which they resched the ~egistr~)
by the following States:

Upper Bolta Canada
Italy Japan
France Portugal
Denmark nus tralia
Greece UnitedKingdom
Gzechoslovakia Irelznd
United States of America South Lfricn
Union of Soviet Socialist Xepublics

When the dite for the opening of oral proçeedingsin this
advisoryopinion has been fixed by the Court, it will be communicated
to the Press.

Les renseignement suivants &anant du Greffe de la Gour
international de Justice sont mis à la disposition de La presse :

Corne suite au comunlcl,ué no 61/21 et en l'affairedes
obligations financiGrgs des Kenzbres des ihtions Unies,les Etats
suivants ont présenté des exposés écrits (dans 11ordre d enregis trernent
au ~reffe) :

Haute-Volta Canada
Italie Sapon
France Pclrtugal
Dan emrk Austr Iale

Pays-Bas Espagne
Grèce Royaume-Uni
Tchecoslovaquie Irlande
Etats-Unis dmerique Rfrique du Sud
Union des Republiques Sochlisteç
Soviétique s

Lorsque la Gour aurafixé la date pour lioulrerture de la procédure
orale dans cet avis consultatif, elle sera comnmiquée à la presse.

Za Haye, le 16 mars 1962

ICJ document subtitle

- List of the States which have filed written statements

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - List of the States which have filed written statements
