Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization - The hearings will begin on Tuesday, 26 April 1960

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Comauniqué No. 6c/2

The follo~wing inf~rmation fron the Rcgistry of the International
Court of Justiceis commmicatcd to thc Press:

Thc Inte~national Court of Justice which is at sresent engagea
on the case of Zi,Xi of 7essagz over Indinn terribry {Portugal v,
India), ha$ ?ow taken a ~imbor of decisions datarrgiining thc

srocsdure in other cases pendhig beforc the Courk,

. -This case had boen referrcd to the Court for en hdvisory
0pi:iiorr pursiiazi; koa resoLuCiar! zdnytcd oir13 January 1759 by the
Assembly of U4CO(Iriter-Goverrientaï l~hrithle Corrsulta tive
Orgai'iization). %hc Tollorrii quzztion wau put to the Court:

"1s the ljhritiEe Safety Conmittee of the Inter-Mvcmental
CoilsuPtative Orgar?.izatioi~, r.~hich %raelccted on

15 Jariuasy 1959, constituted in accordz~ce with the Converition
for the Xstablishncnt of the O rganiza-Lion?"

d tins-limit had been set for th0 submission of trrittcn
statements 'Dythe States mmbers of the Orgsliization. This
opportmity las takeii advantageof by Lhe Wvcn-ment5 of Belgium,
Prai~ce, Liberia, the United jtatcsof .Imerica, Chula, Panama,
Switeerland I%aly, Damûrk, the Uiiited Riilgdorn of Great 8ritain
and rJorthem Irelaild, I*omy, ths Hetlzerhnda and 'India. The
States members of the Grgai~izaticinwsre theri mtified that hearhgs
in 'chi,inatter would be@n a3 scsoras gossible after 17 Lpril 17-50,
The follorJ?ulg Goverment s have doelared .t;?cir intention of attending
these hearings: The United States of imericct, Italy, Liberia,
Panama, the !Jc$herlaiids ari6 the United :.;kigdomof Great Britaim and
Iqorthern Ireknd; the Gover~llriens of irio~rayand Pakistan reserved
their reglies.

The Couh Las 11owdecidect that the haarings :in this matter
will begin ailmes day, 26 April 1550at 10,30, It ilas also decided
that the represei~katives of Statesvriiicl: have expressed the dssire
to be l-ieard will be called upo~ in the folloinng orclcr: first,
the represe:lta-bivex of States hrhich challenge the validity of the
electiori of l5 Ja~uuary 1959, rLarnely, Liberia, Faimna and the United
States of America; after that, the r~r,reseï~tatives cf States which
do not challenge the v;illdity of the elrction, namely, ItaLy, the
Metherlar~ds aixi thc Ui?ited Kingdom.

---e of the--er-l Inc-dent of 2.-J--y 1953 (UfiZted Statesof
herica vL Bulgzsia)

This lircidmt, it rxcll be rernzmbered, was the subjectof three
cases brought before the Court against Bulgarta, one of thcm by
Israel, ai?other b,rthe United Kingdomof Great Britain end Northem'
Ireland arid the th5rd by the Unitcd States of Arnerica.

The f iïst of these cz ses elicited prelsminary objections from
the Bulgariarl Chverment. SIze Court pssed ugoi: these abjections
on 26 May 1359; admit.tiag the firsl Bulgariaii objection -
according Go ~rb-içh the Eulgarian dsclaration of 1921 acçepthg the
compulsory jurisdictio nf the P¢manent Court of International
Justice could not be held to involve accepta~ce of the compulsory
jurisdictio of tlirr Ii~ternatiurnalCourt of Justice -, !$R'G-
Court declared t';rat ithad no durisdiction, In tlie seoond of these

cases . ...cases, the one iCstituted by the United iiiiigdom Goverment, the
applicant party withdrew its cXaim and the Courtstruclr the case off
its list,

Tho third case was slsothe sub ject of grelirmilary abjections
lodged by the Bulgarian Crovernment and t!~eCourt has now fixed
lfednesday, 1 June 1960 at 10,30 as the date for the beginningof the
hearings of these objections.

Case of ihe Arbitral A~izrd made log the :;bg of Spaùi on 23 December
1906 (~-nduràs v, Nicaragua)

This case tfas siabmitted -ta the Cour-t on 1 July 1958 by an
Application of t'rieIioficlurari Goverment made agahst the Guvernment
of Nicaragu2. .. The the-linULs fo2 Yne wriiten 3roceedings were
after consultation tri-th theparties and the case is now ready
T'or hearhg, The Court has flxed 15 September 1963 forthe begulning
of thesehearirLgs,

ICJ document subtitle

- The hearings will begin on Tuesday, 26 April 1960

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization - The hearings will begin on Tuesday, 26 April 1960
