Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company - The case is removed from the Court's List

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I.C.J. Communiqué NO. 61/6

The followinginfomc,tion frsm the Registryof the lnternntional Court

of Justice is communiccted to the Press:

In the ccse cancerning the Barcelone Traction,Zight md Power Company

Limited (~elgiwrr v. Spain), the Agent for the BelgiCm Gavexnrnent hns

infomed the Court that his Govesnmont is not going on with the

proceeding s

The Spnniah Gavement, to nkom this notice of discontinu8nee wu

trruzsmitted by the Eegistry, hns stnted thnt it rzisesno objection.In

thesecircumstancea the Cour.t today made an Order removing the case frorn

the List,

LES renseignenents suivznts émmmt du Greffe de Ir Cour inte~natlon~le

de Justicesont mis à la dispo~ition de Is presse ::

En 11affaire àe 13 B?.rcclona Trzction, Light md Power Comprtny Linited

(~el~ique G. Espcgne), l'Agent du Gouvernement belge a f~,it savoirà ln

Cour que son Gouvernement reurançcit à poursuivre l.2procédure,

Avisé de ce désistement, pnr le Greffe, le Gouvernement espcgnol a.

déclarequtilnry fais~~it pzs opposition. Dms ces conditions,la Cour a

rendu ~ujourd~hui une ordonnance prescrivmt la radiotion de cette affaire

sur le rôle.

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Document Long Title

Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company - The case is removed from the Court's List
