Temple of Preah Vihear - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings

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Communiqué NO. 61/5
(unof ficinl)

The followingini'ormntian frornthe Begistry of the International
Court of Justice ia commicated ta the Press:

Fmther to comuniqué No. 61/3 of 13 ltIccrc1961, Yne hou fixed for
the opening on 10 April of the public hemings in the cnsc concerningthe
Tanple rif Precrh Vihear (~~mbodi.-,2. ~heil~nd) (fi~Ximiv~ry objections) Is
10.30 2-n,

.Atthe baginning of the hearing, the Court ni11 inst~ll six new

Members wl3a mere elected by the Genernl Asseiribly and SecurityGouncil of
the Uriited 1Wtions in IJovcmber 1960, The Judges concemed are Sir Gerald
Fitssmaurice, who mas electad to fi31 the vacancy cr~usedby the death of
Sir Bersch Lauterpacht, and whose term of office begam on 16 November 1960,
rmd MM. Vladimir Mi Koretses nCothz-OTmnks, Jose Luis9uc;tmmnte y Rivero,
PhilipC. Jessup ?ad Gnetnno I~Iorelli, rvhose terms of office begm on
6 Februmy 1961. R biographicalnote concerning these Judges is appended
to the present combullqu6.

The Judges nill mzke theidecluration provided for in Articles 20
of th@ Statute and 5 of the Rulesof Court,

The Courtmil1 then proceedto hem oril Largment in the Temple case
in ahich the Partiesni11 be representedas followsi

H .En Tmong Cang YiIwnber of the Haut Conseildu Trône,

Hon.Bem Acheson,

M. Roger Pinto Professor 2t tliePr?ris Fi317Fnculty,

M. Paul Reuter Prof essor at the PzrisL?,w Facultg ,

~s Counoel_.

H.S,H. Prince Vongsm,zhip Jsynnhma Ambassadorof Thciland ta the
BT kerlcmds,

Sir Frank Saakice, Q.G. Elember of the English Ba and fomexly
At torne y-General of England,

1- R, Seni Preno j Member of the Bar of Thnilnnd,

IiilsJmes Mevin Hyde Ï$ember of the BLar O£ the State of New
York md 2 Member of the Bar of the
Supreme Court of the United States,

M. blarcel Slusny b1:lember ofthe Belgian Bar,


Mr. J.G. Le Qiaesne 1,Iemberof theEnglish Bar, SIR GERAD GRAY FITZiViAURICE

Born 24 OcGober lgC1. Educatedat Malvern r~llegeand Gon~Zlle
and Caius College,Capribridge* Called Lo the EnglishBar at ErayiaTm,
1925; practisedin London, 1925-29. Entered the UnitedKingdom Foreign
Service as an assistant legal adviser in 1929. Duringthe war acted
as jointprincipal Legal Adviserto the liinistryof Economic Wdare,
1979-43; retwned Go the Foreign Office in 1943. Appointed Deputy
Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office 1945, and Chief Legal Adviser 1957.
Appobted QueenlsCornsel, 1957. Legal Adviserta the U.K, Delegation,
Chicago Internationa livilAviationConference, 1944; U.K. representative
on the Washfngton Cornittee for the drafting of the Statute of the
InternûtionaC lmrt of Justice, 1945; assfstânt LegalAdviaex ta the

U.K. Delegation at the San Francisco Conference for the drafting of the
Uxîted Nations Charter, 1945; Legal Adviser to the U.K. Delegation at
the Paris Peace Conference, 1346? and at the JapanesePeaoa Conference,
San Prancisco,1951; Legal Adviser to the U,K. Delegation and U.Ko
Representative on the Sixth Conmittee at the United Na'tions Assembliea
of 19469 1948, 19499 19509 1951, 19529 1954, 19.56and 1959. Bas
attended other conferences in a similarcapacity, includingthe O.E.E*G.
Conference, Paris, 1948; the BerlinGonference, 1954; the Manila
Gonference, 1954; mà waa Delegate and Deputy Lèader of the U,K,
Delegation at the Geneva Law of the Sea Gonf erences in 1958 and Iga,.
Acted as Gounsel for the U.K. before the Intemational Comt of'~us~tior
in several cases. Go-opted as a.memberof the International L~w':
~omml~.sio~ of,the UnitedNations, 1955, and elec,ted as a rnembexfor a
elected President in 1959 and
five-year period £rom 1 January 1957;
~en&al Rapporteurin 1957 1958 and ,196; was Special rapporte.^ to
the .Comission on the subject of the Law of Treaties. Lectures include
'The Juridical Clausesof thehace Treaties" at the Bague Academy of
Internationa law, 1948, and in 1957 gave the course on "The ceverai
Principlesof International Law,considered fr~m the standpoint of the
Ruleof Lawt1. Meaber of several leaxned societies iricludingthe
lnatitut de droit in%ernationa. Publicationsixiclude legal articles
in the British Year Book of International Law, 1931-1959; and in the
Year Book of the.1nternationa Law Commissionfor 195671960,' five
Reports on the Law of Treaties.

Born a% kepropetrovsk, U.S,S.R., 1890, Studiedat the miversitiea
of Moscow and Kharkov; Prof essor, ainca 1920, Kharkov (1920-1944,
1944-194 9)d Tashkent (1941-1944). Academician of the Academy of
Sciencesof the Uhalnian S,S.R. since 1948, Kiev; Honomed Scientist
(savant émsrite), Orderof Lening author of more than fliftywosks and
articleson public and privateinternational baw and on general history
of stwtea and the law in Russianand Ukrainian languages,some of them
were published in Chinese,Roumanian and Germa languages; Editor-in-
Chief of Juridical section of %ainian SovietEncyclopedia;legal
adviser to Soviet delegations to the firat, second and fourth sessions ,
of the UnitedNations General hsembly, the Security Council, 1946, the
Corncilof Foreign Ministers and the P8xis Peace Conference; rep~esentatlve

of the U,S.S.R. in the Cornmittee 011the Progressive Development of
InternationaL law and its Codification, 1947$ and the CommissiononHuman Rights, 1947; member of the 1nterm.tional Law Camission 1949-1951;
participant in the UnitedNations Conference on theAbolition of Slavery,
1956, andthe Geneva Conferenceo sn the Law of the Sea, 1958 and 2960;
msmber of the Permanent Court of Arbitraiion since 1954, and of the
Poliah-Nomegian Permanent GoncillatioG nomiasion, since 3959; Pice-
Chairman of the Soviet International Law Association; ~onorary rnember
of theIndian Society of International.Law,


Barn on 25 October 1890, at Kago~ihima, Japan. Gxaduatedfrom
5'okyo Imperid 7TniveFsit'(~acu1-L~of ~aw) in 9915. Assistant
@of essorof- Solryo Imperia1University, spe cializ ein Commercial Lam
in 1917, Sent by the Governent to study Cornmercial Law to the United

States, Ehgland, fiance, Italy and Germany £rom 1919 to 19220 Professor
of thePacuZtyof Law, Tokyo Imperia1 University 1922-1946. ljlvitedby
"fnstitut oel 16edio ed Extrem oriente"in Italy as Exchange Profsssar
in 1936. Lectured on CornerclalLaw and Philosophy of Law in Rome,
Milan; Venice, Paris, Lyons,Lille and Louvain. Dean of the Facllltyof
Law, TokyoImperia1 University, 1937-1979. Idemberof the Sury of State
Examinatio or judges,lawyersand administrative offioials, 1923-1944.
Pnvited by cultural associations and universities inBrazil ad Brgentine,
Lectured on Commercial Law and Philosophy of Law at the universities of
Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires,La Plata, Santiago, Peau,
Parima andMexico in 1979. Appointed Dfrector of SchoolEducktion
Bureauof theMinistryof Education in 1945 and Member of Houseof Peers
(IJpper ou se)in 1946 andMiniskerof Educationin the firstYoshida
Cabinet, May 1946 to January 1947. Member of Bouse of Counclllora
(uPper ou se; Chairmm of Education Cod tees, from May 1947 to
March 1950. Collaboration with govcrnmen-t; legtslatlonin the fieldof
commercfal law. Engagedin the practlce of Law, especially concernlng
commercialaffairs, sinceMay 1947in collaboratiow nith Dr, Joji
Matsumoto, Chier Justice of the SuprerneCourt; -1950-1960... Lectwed
tothe Grovm Prince and Princess, 1951-1966. Member ofJapanese and
foreign lemed societies. Author of several legal works in Japmese
and othex larguages.


Born Arequipa, Pem on15 Janwg 1894. Educatedat universities
of San Agustfnand San Antonio Abad. ~dvoca.e'eand Doctor of LaaislgaB,
kctor of Philosephy, History a& Lettere 1918 and Doctorof Political.
and Economi~ Sciences 1929. Acting Professorof American Archeology
and'of PeruvianSocial Geography in the Faculty ofPhilosophy and
Le tters.of the University of Arequipa (19.21). Has taught Modern
Philaaophy, Legal Procedure and Civil Law in th. sae UnivePsity(1921-
19323 .>
Member of the Arequipa, Cuzco, Pmo and Lima Bars. Dean of the
Lima Bar 1960-1961.

. .-
Engaged a.,. Engaged in legal practice in Arequipa and Cuzcofrom 1918 to 1934.
Substitute Judge and Substitute Publie Pro~ecutor at the Superiox Court
of Arequipabetween 1920 and 1934. Ehgaged in legaL practice in Lima,
since 1956.

Admitteclto the Pexuvian Foreign Service in 1934, Envoy
Extraord"inaryand Mini ster Plenipotentiaxy to Bollvia (1934-1938).
Peruvian Delegate to the EighthIntsr-America Conference(~ima, 1938).
Envoy Extraordinmy and ~inis tex Plenipotentiary to Uruguay (1939-19)4 .2
Chairman of the Peruvim Delegation to the SecondSouth AmerlcanCongress

of Jurists (~ontevideo ,939-1940 -)Chairman of the Conpesa Cornittee
on Private Internationa law. Peruvian Observer at theRegional
Conference of the RiverPlate Coun-tres (~ontevideo ,1941 ). -4mbassador
Extraordinar y ndPlenipo tentiary tc Bolivia (1942-1945).

Member of the ArequipaCity Councif, 1921-23, Ministerof Justice
and Eaucation 1930-31, President of the Republic (1945-1~48)~

Member of various learned societiesincludingthe Inter-American
Bar Association and the Peruvian Academy of Language.

Author of many works on legal questionsand in the field of
sociology, history,literature ad politics.

Born Rew York City, 5 January L897, Educatedat am il toColZege,
ColumbiaUniversityandYale University, Admittedto the District of
Columbia Bar, 1925, and the New York Bar, 1927; member of a-Mew York i
law fkm, 1927-1943. Taught inte~hational law at Columbia Univeraity,
since 1925; Hamilton Esh Professor of International Law and Diplomacy,
1346-1961. Assistant Solicitor, Department of State, 1924-1925;
Assist~nt to EfihuRoot, Conference of'Jurists on the Porrnanent Court
of International Justice,Ggnava, 1929; Legal Adviserto the United
States Ambassador to Cuba, l930; Chief of Division, Office of Fo~eign

Relief, Bepartment of State, 1943; Assistant Secretaq General of the
first CouncilSessionof U.N.E.R .., 194j1 and of Bretton Woods Conference,
1944; United States repxesentative at variolassessions of the Security
Council md the GeneraX Assembly of the UnitedNations,1940-1953;
Am'nassador-at-Large, 194g-L953, Vice-President of the Institut de
boit international fron!1959; associate, Rockefeller Foundation,
1960-1961: aember of the Curatorium of the Rague Academy of International
Law since 1957.

The Lavrof Territorial Waters and &Ii~asitime Surisdiction1927.
AnericauiNeutrality and International Police, 1928. The United States
and the World Court, 1929. International Security,1935. Meutrality,
Its Histary, Economics and Law. Elihu Root, 1938, International
Problemof Goveming Mankind, 1947. A Modem Law of Nations, 1948.
Transnational Law, 1956. The Use of Internationa l2w. Control for
Outer Space and the Antarctic A~alogy(in collab.), 1957. M* GAESAN0 .hIORELLI

Boni Crotone (ltaly) on 23 May 1900; Dootorof Law of the
University of Borne, 1321; lecturerin Inte~national Lavr in the TTnlversity
of Urbino from 1927mtil 1972; Professor in the University of Modena
from1932until1933,and Ln the University of Padua fmm 1933 mtil-
Profeaaor in the University of Naplesfrom 1935 mil 1951, and
in3the University of Rome aince 2951; sinoe 1951, membeerof the HPgher
Courici1of Pub1ic Educatlonp
in 1937, delivered a course of lectures at
the Hague Academy of Intexmational Law. Sirice1950, Meaber of the
Institut de droit international.

Expert member of the Jtalian delegation to theMontreux Confcrcnce
of 1937 for the abolitionof capitulations in Egypt; delegate of the
Ztalim Goverment ta the SeveslChHague Conference on PrivateInternational
Law (1951); aince 1950, member of the Permanent ConciZiation Commission
betmeen Luxembourg and Switzerlmd.

Judge ad hoc in the case of the TdonetaryGold rernovedfmm Rome
in 1943, before the InternationaC lourt of Justice(1954)i aince 1955
has been a rncmberof the Peman~nt Court of Arbitration; and since
1956 a momberof the Ztaïian Mational Commissionfor U,N.E.S.C.O,;
counsel for Nicaraguabefore the Internationa l ourtof Justice in the
case concervlingthe Arbitral hard made by the EEng of Spain on 29

Author of numsrous viorks on PubZicand Private InternationaL law,
especially: La sentenza internazi~nam~ 1931; La thbris générale du
(8agueAcademy of Internationa Llaw,Recueil des

ezioni di diritta internazionalp erivato, 1943;
Nozioni di diritta intemazion&le, 2951; Elementi di àiritto
internaaional er'ivatoitaliano, 1952.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Temple of Preah Vihear - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings
