Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) - Hearing of September 23rd, 1957

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I.C. J. Communiqué No. 57/21.
._....-........-. . .

The following inîori~tion from the Xzgistry of the
Internz-tional Court of Justice hes been commnicated to the

loday., Sept ember 23rd, 1957, the Inbern&ional Court of
Justice.held the first of the public huarings of the PreliriUnary
0b.jections to .the jurisdiction of the Court, raised b,;.the Govcrnment

of India in the case of the Right of Passage over Indian Territory
(Portugal v. India).

Mter opeiling the sïtting and, briefly rccalling the st~ges in
the written proceedings covered since the institution of. the case
by Fortu.gu1 in Deceaber, 1955, the Presidont of the Court
(Kr. G. H. Ijackworth) appointcd Kr. l~khomed :!Ai Cu-rrim Chagla and
Flr. PIanwb Fernzndes, designated respectivcly by the Governments
of India and Portugal, to sit as. judges ad hoc.

The President next notecl the presence of the representstives of
the Parties and mnounced khst, in conformity with Article 51 of
the Ihiles of Court, the Court had decid.ed to hear first the Agent
for the Governirent of Indin, that Govcrniilent having lodged'the
Preliminary Ob jcc'tions. He called upon thc Agent.. (~hri B. K. ,
Kapur, ihbesszdor. of India at The ~ague), who requzoted that
Shri 1.5. C. Setalvad, At.iL0rnc-yGeneral of India, shouLd be . ,.. .

authorised to open -the case for the Govcrnment of India.
Shri M., G. Setalvcic! then made..a gencral' staternent .. At the

.. C. H. K. ldzldockng r~ill0.continue; onthe staterfient for the Govrrmisnt

of India.

The Hague, 231-d Septernbcr, 1957.

. --

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearing of September 23rd, 1957

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) - Hearing of September 23rd, 1957
