The United States Government files an Application instituting proceedings against the People's Republic of Bulgaria

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

I.C.J. Comuniaué No. 57/43
(unof ficaal)

The following inf ormaiion from the 3egistry of the Internztional
Court of Juutice is cofimnicated, to the Prcss :

On ijctober 28th, 1957, the United States ~mbassador transmitted

to tne Registrar of the Internztionzl Court of Justice an Application
by his Govcrmeizt Inst ituting proceeOings before the Court against
e the C-overr~rnentof the ~e'oplei s 3e::ubliç of Ihlgaria in respect of an
3~ïial incident mich occurred on Juiy 27th, 1955.

The aircraft shot dow on that date b3longed to an Israeli civil
airlbe caizpany ar?dkias c2,rrylng sevkral Unit cd States nationals , &O,
lilrcthe othtir passengers aiid the r~embers of the crew, were killed,

As set forth in the inplication aridamexed documents(exchange
of Botes betwecn.the two Gover'ments concariied), the 3uLgarian Govern-
ment acceptedliability to the United States Goverriment for the damage
thus causcdto its naitionals and prornised compença.t ion, but; subseo,uently
went hack on thst decision,

The Hague, October 29th, 1957.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

The United States Government files an Application instituting proceedings against the People's Republic of Bulgaria
