Antarctica (United Kingdom v. Chile) - The United Kingdom of Great Britain files Applications against Argentina and Chile

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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The followhg uifokmtion ;rom the '~e~ist~ of the LnSemationzl
Court of Justice l~as been co11~quriicated to the Fress:

The United KTngdcn. of Great Sritain and korthzm Ireland has

filed in the Registïy of thz Courttwo igplications, one against
lsgentii?a md. the other agairsL Chilv,relztivv to certain ?n'sitarctic
'territori es TileUnited IiLngdoili contcnds that the Goverlunent of
Argentins on the one hand, and the Governrnent cf Chile on the ather,
have encroached upon cer'i,aiitérrj-tories whichzre situeted South
of the 50th pardlel of South latitude and v11ilchare w%er British
sovereignty. It rvquests the Court to rscopize the vklidity of
its Litles to soveroignty and to declare that the pretensions of
.2gvntina and Chile, as VEIL 2s their encroachment n those terri-
tories, are contrary to btemational law.

The ilpplications spzcj-fy that the two Gav~rnnients concemed
(hgen-bina, ad ~hil c) hava not yet ..ifed any declaratiion accepting
the Coui-trs cornpulsory jurisdj.ction under Lrticle 36, paragraph 2,
of Lhe Statute, nor specially accepted the Court l s jurisdic tion In
the present cases; but they have hoth froqucntly ~xprassed their
adherence -Go the princi-ple of judicial sctilemcnt of international
disputes and are legauy ~alified, nion notificatton of the ]+pli-
cations, to take the necessary stzps to appezr &fore th? Court and
thereby cause the Court's jurisdiction In the cese to be cor&-

In accordancc witiî ,,ritcle 140of the Statute, the >Lp:31icatians
?rem comnunicated forthvnth to tne t~ro inieres'med C-ovcrnm~nts and
will shortly be natificd to al1 other States sntitled to a,ppear
before the Court.

Thc Hague, Nny 6th, 1955.

ICJ document subtitle

- The United Kingdom of Great Britain files Applications against Argentina and Chile

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Antarctica (United Kingdom v. Chile) - The United Kingdom of Great Britain files Applications against Argentina and Chile
