Treatment in Hungary of Aircraft and Crew of United States of America (United States of America v. Hungarian People's Republic) - The United States file Applications instituting proceedings against Hu

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The following infornetion from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice has been comicated to the press:

The Americm Fmbassy in TheHague kas today filed in the Registry
two applications for the purpose of instituting proceedings before
the international Court of Justice, One of these cites Hungaq as
the Respondent, the second the U,S.S.R.; both relate -to the t~eatment
d of the crew of an aircraft of the United States Air Force, and of the
aircraft itself, afterkt-had been compelled to land In Hwigary on
Movember lqth, 1951.

The clahs of the Governient of the United States are swmnarised
as follows in ths Applications:

The Government of the klungarian People'sRepublic and the
Government of the UnTon af SovietSocialist Republics, actingin
concert, wilfully and unlawfully csused to be seized a United
States Air Force C-47 type aircraft, together with its. crew of
four American nationals and fts contents, driven over Hungary by
winds wzknown to the crew; thereafter both Government sngaged

in unlawftd actions against the crew and agalilst the United
States with respect to the incident, constituting both serious
violations of efisting treaties as well as manifest denials of
justice and other international wrongs. For these breachea of
international obligation the United States has demanded and
demands monetary and. othher reparation from the two hvements,

In accordance witk the provisionsof the Statute, these applic-
ations have been comrnünicated by the Registrar to Hwigary and to the
U.S.S.R. and they wiU be transmitted to dl States entitled to appear
before the Court.

The Hague, Narch3rd, 3954.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Treatment in Hungary of Aircraft and Crew of United States of America (United States of America v. Hungarian People's Republic) - The United States file Applications instituting proceedings against Hungary and the USSR
