Antarctica (United Kingdom v. Chile)
On 4 May 1955, the United Kingdom instituted proceedings before the Court against Argentina and Chile concerning disputes as to the sovereignty over certain lands and islands in the Antarctic. In its Applications to the Court, the United Kingdom stated that it submitted to the Court’s jurisdiction for the purposes of the case, and although, as far as it was aware, Argentina and Chile had not yet accepted the Court’s jurisdiction, they were legally qualified to do so. Moreover, the United Kingdom relied on Article 36, paragraph 1, of the Court’s Statute. In a letter of 15 July 1955, Chile informed the Court that in its view the Application was unfounded and that it was not open to the Court to exercise jurisdiction. In a Note of 1 August 1955, Argentina informed the Court of its refusal to accept the Court’s jurisdiction to deal with the case. In these circumstances, the Court found that neither Chile nor Argentina had accepted its jurisdiction to deal with the cases, and, on 16 March 1956, Orders were made removing them from its List.
This overview is provided for information only and in no way involves the responsibility of the Court.