Current Judges ad hoc
The following judges ad hoc have been chosen in the cases currently pending before the Court:
Iran, Islamic Republic of: Mr Djamchid Momtaz
Guyana: Mr Rüdiger Wolfrum
Venezuela: Mr Philippe Couvreur
Iran, Islamic Republic of: Mr Djamchid Momtaz
Palestine: Mr Gilbert Guillaume
Guatemala: Mr Philippe Couvreur
Belize: Mr Donald M. McRae
Gambia: Ms Navanethem Pillay
Myanmar: Mr Claus Kreß
Gabon: Ms Mónica Pinto
Equatorial Guinea: Mr Rüdiger Wolfrum
Armenia: Mr Yves Daudet
Azerbaijan: Mr Abdul G. Koroma
Azerbaijan: Mr Abdul G. Koroma
Armenia: Mr Yves Daudet
Ukraine: Mr Yves Daudet
Russian Federation: Mr Bakhtiyar Tuzmukhamedov
Equatorial Guinea: Mr Taoheed Olufemi Elias
Canada, Netherlands: Ms Silvia Alejandra Fernández de Gurmendi
Syrian Arab Republic: Mr Kirill Gevorgian
Iran, Islamic Republic of: Mr Jamal Seifi
Canada: Mr John H. Currie
Canada, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Mr Donald M. McRae
Israel: Mr Ron A. Shapira
Nicaragua: Mr Awn Shawkat Al-Khasawneh
Ecuador: Mr Donald M. McRae
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