Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Appointment of Judges ad hoc and representation of the Parties at the hearings

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Communique No. 50/35

The following information from theRegistry 'f the International

Coud of Justice has been comicated to the Press:

Beginning 26th Septembe r 1950, the International Court of Justice
will hold a series of public' sittings In order to hear Statenents by the
Agents asldGounselof the,Republic of Colombia and the Skpublicof Peru
in the case concerning the rightof" asylum.

The case arose out of a dispute between theee two States, Colombia
having grantedasylm in the Colombian Embassy at Lima ta K.. Haya de la
Torre, a wsiter and the head of a political pertg,

According to the Peruvian Govemcnt, the grantlng of asylum to Mr.
Haya de la Torre is not in accordance with the terms of the Convention
on Asylum signed at Havana in 19'28.

The Parties have filed a nmber of Mernorials anddoc7ments in the
written proceedings, Thelr respective submissions are as follows:

Colombia: "1. ThattheRepublic of Colornbia a,s the country
granting asylwn, 1s competent to qualify the offence
for the purpose af said asylum, within the lixnlts of
the obligations resulthg in particular from the

Bolivarian Agreement on Extradition of l&h July,
1911, and the Convention an Asylumaf 20th Fabruary,
1928 ad of herican international lawin gen~ral;

1. That the Republic of Peru, as the territorial
SGate, is baund in the case now before the Court, to
give the guararkee necessaryfor the departure of
M. Victor Rad Haya de 1s Torre from the country,
with due regardto the inviolability of his persanaIf

Peru: "as a Cauntzr-claim u,der Article 63 of the Rules of

Court, and in the sme decision, that the asylurn
granted by the Golombian Ambassador at Lima to Victor
Rad Haya de la Torre was contrary to Article1,
paragraph 1 and Article 2, paragraph 2, Item 1
(inclso prherq)- of the Convention on Asylwn signed
at Havana in 1928.

Since th2 Courtincludcs upon the Dench na Judge of the nationdity
of the Parties in this case, the t~m bvernments have availed themselves
of the right conferred upon th~m under Article 31 of the Statute and have
designated as Judges ad hoc

Colombia: W:., JoséJoaquin Caicedcl Castilla

Peru: M . Luis Alayza y Paz Soldan

The two parties shall be répresanted nt the hearings by the following:

Colombia: Professor J. W. Yepcs, I~!tnister Plenipotentiary,
Legal Adviser to the Ministryfor Foreign
Xffzirs a;t Bogota, as Agent.
I4e Alfredo Vasquez, Minister Ylenipoteritiary,
Secrstary-Generao Lf the Ministry for
Foreign Hff airs,as Advocata .

peruPen: M.. Carlos Sayan Alvarez, Advocato, formar Ministar, '
former President of the Peruvim Chambcr of
Deputies, as Agent.
PL ~eli~eTudela y Barre& ,,Advoccite , Professor of

Constitution& Lzwai Lima,
14;. Fùrnando Piordes Macedo R., Pzrliamentary intcrpretar,
M. Juaa José Galle y Calle, Socrotzry of Einb~ssy.
Ig. GeorgesScelle, Hon. Professor at the University of Paris.
M. Julio Lopez Olivan, :unbassador,

L ,ag.e,,,25.'.Sapterpber, 195.0.

ICJ document subtitle

- Appointment of Judges <i>ad hoc</i> and representation of the Parties at the hearings

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Document Long Title

Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Appointment of Judges <i>ad hoc</i> and representation of the Parties at the hearings
