
Some treaties or conventions confer jurisdiction on the Court. It has become a common international practice for international agreements - whether bilateral or multilateral - to include provisions, known as jurisdictional clauses, providing that certain categories of disputes shall or may be subject to one or more methods of pacific dispute settlement. Numerous clauses of this kind provide for recourse to conciliation, mediation or arbitration; others provide for recourse to the Court, either immediately or if other means of dispute settlement fail.

Accordingly, if a dispute of the kind envisaged in the jurisdictional clause of a treaty arises between the signatory States, they may either institute proceedings against the other party or parties by filing a unilateral application, or conclude a special agreement with that party or parties providing for the issues to be referred to the Court. The wording of such jurisdictional clauses varies from one treaty to another.

Below, in chronological order, is a list of treaties and other instruments notified to the Registry, after being registered, classified or recorded by the Secretariat of the United Nations, which contain clauses relating to the jurisdiction of the Court in contentious proceedings. Such clauses generally provide that disputes concerning the application or interpretation of the instrument may be referred to the Court for decision. For each instrument, the table indicates its date and place of signature, its title, the relevant clause and the contracting parties.

References dating back to before 1946 relate to instruments referring to the jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of International Justice, which have been filed and recorded by the Secretariat of the United Nations and appear in the Treaty Series of the United Nations.

The inclusion or omission of a treaty is without prejudice to its possible application by the Court in a particular case.

YearDatePlaceTitle and ClauseContracting Parties
193312 MayOttawaConvention concerning the rights of nationals and commercial and shipping matters (Art. 20)Canada/France
193917 DecemberBogotaTreaty of non-aggression, conciliation and judicial settlement (Art. XXIV)Colombia/Venezuela
194030 MarchCaracasTreaty for the pacific settlement of disputesBrazil/Venezuela
19447 DecemberChicagoInternational air services transit agreement (Art. II, Sec. 2)Multilateral
7 DecemberChicagoInternational air transport agreement (Art. IV, Sec. 3)Multilateral
194617 AprilLuxembourgConvention concerning the Luxembourg railways (Art. 12)Luxembourg/Belgium/France
4 NovemberNankingTreaty of friendship, commerce and navigation (Art. XXVIII)China[1] /United States
11 DecemberLake SuccessInternational convention relating to dangerous drugs, signed at Geneva, 19 Feb. 1925, as amended (Art. 32)Multilateral
11 DecemberLake SuccessInternational convention for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs, signed at Geneva on 13 July 1931, as amended (Art. 25)Multilateral
11 DecemberLake SuccessInternational convention for the suppression of illicit traffic in dangerous drugs, signed at Geneva on 26 June 1936, as amended (Art. 17)Multilateral
194718 AprilManilaTreaty of amity (Art. 2)China1/Philippines
9 JulyRomeTreaty of friendship and general Relations (Art. V)Italy/Philippines
17 OctoberLondonTreaty regarding recognition of Burmese independence (Art. 14)United Kingdom/Burma
12 November[2]Lake SuccessConvention (concluded at Geneva on 12 Sep. 1923) for the suppression of the circulation of and traffic in obscene publications as amended (Art. 15)Multilateral
12 November[2]Lake SuccessConvention (concluded at Geneva on 11 Oct. 1933) for the suppression of traffic in women of full age, as amended (Art. 4)Multilateral
194824 JanuaryParisAgreement concerning monetary and financial relations (Art. 23)France/Lebanon
2 FebruaryRomeTreaty of friendship, commerce and navigation (Art. XXVI)United States/Italy
30 AprilBogotaAmerican treaty on pacific settlementMultilateral
21 MayNew DelhiAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)India/Sweden
23 JuneKarachiAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)Pakistan/India
28 JuneRomeEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/Italy
28 JuneParisEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/France
29 JuneCopenhagenEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/Denmark
2 JulyViennaEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/Austria
2 JulyThe HagueEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/Netherlands
2 JulyAthensEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/Greece
2 JulyBrusselsEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/Belgium
3 JulyOsloEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/Norway
3 JulyReykjavikEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/Iceland
3 JulyNankingEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/China[1]
3 JulyLuxembourgEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/Luxembourg
3 JulyStockholmEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/Sweden
4 JulyAnkaraEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/Turkey
6 JulyLondonEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/United Kingdom
28 SeptemberLisbonEconomic co-operation agreement (Art. X)United States/Portugal
6 OctoberBeirutTreaty concerning consular arrangements, navigation, civil and commercial rights and establishment (Art. 33)Greece/Lebanon
15/29 NovWashington

cf. 23 Nov. 1961

9 DecemberParis (opened for signature)Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide (Art. IX)Multilateral
19493 JanuaryKarachiAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)Pakistan/Ceylon
28 AprilLake Success (opened for accession)Revised general act for the pacific settlement of international disputesMultilateral
14 JuneWashingtonTreaty of friendship (Art. II)Thailand/Philippines
4 JulyBerneConvention concerning the construction and use of the Bâle-Mulhouse airport at Blotzheim (Art. 20)France/Switzerland
15 JulyLake Success (opened for accession)Agreement for facilitating the international circulation of visual and auditory materials of an education, scientific and cultural character (Art. IX)Multilateral
30 AugustOttawaAgreement relating to air services (Art. 9)Canada/Belgium
10 SeptemberGuatemala CityTreaty of Peace, friendship and co-operation (Art. 7)Guatemala/Italy
19 SeptemberGenevaConvention of road traffic (Art. 33)Multilateral
20 SeptemberBeirutAir transport agreement (Art. IX)Netherlands/Lebanon
20 OctoberNew DelhiAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)India/Philippines
31 OctoberTehranAgreement relating to air services (Art. 12)Netherlands/Iran
195012 JanuaryCanberraAgreement relating to air services (Art. XII)Australia/Ceylon
21 JanuaryDublinTreaty of friendship, commerce and navigation (Art. XXIII)United States/Ireland
27 JanuaryMexico CityCommercial agreement (Art. VII)Netherlands/Mexico
18 FebruaryTehranTreaty of friendship (Art. IV)Iran/Pakistan
21 MarchLake Success (opened for signature)Convention for suppression of traffic in persons and of exploitation of prostitution of others (Art. 22)Multilateral
24 MarchRomeTreaty of friendship, conciliation and judicial settlement (Arts. 18-24)Turkey/Italy
6 AugustCairoAgreement relating to air transport services (Art. XVI)Egypt/France
16 AugustWellingtonAgreement relating to air services (Art. X)New Zealand/Canada
28 AugustManilaTreaty of friendship, consular services and establishment (Art. II)Greece/Philippines
16 SeptemberBrusselsCommercial agreement (Art. 7)Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union/ Mexico
15 DecemberLondonTrade agreement (Art. 8)United Kingdom/Norway
19512 FebruaryParisTreaty of cession of the territory of the Free Town of Chandernagore (Art. XI)India/France
22 FebruaryOsloConsular convention (Art. 34)United Kingdom/Norway
8 MayLondonAgreement for air services (Art. 10)Belgium/United Kingdom
24 MayDew DelhiAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)India/Netherlands
18 JuneTehranAgreement relating to air services (Art. 12)Denmark/Iran
28 JulyGeneva (opened for signature)Convention relating to the status of refugees (Art. 38)Multilateral
3 AugustAthensTreaty of friendship, commerce and navigation (Art. XXVI)Greece/United States
23 AugustWashingtonTreaty of friendship, commerce and navigation (Art. XXIV)Israel/United States
7 SeptemberAddis AbabaTreaty of amity and economic relations (Art. XVII)United States/Ethiopia
8 SeptemberSan FranciscoTreaty of peace with Japan (Art. 22)Multilateral
25 SeptemberCanberraAgreement relating to air services (Art. VIII)Netherlands/Australia
1 OctoberCopenhagenTreaty of friendship, commerce and navigation (Art. XXIV)United States/Denmark
31 DecemberParisConsular convention (Art. 49)France/United Kingdom
195214 MarchStockholmConsular convention (Art. 34)Sweden/United Kingdom
9 MayTel AvivAgreement for economic assistance (Art. VIII)United States/Israel
14 JuneCairoAgreement relating to air services (Art. XIV)Australia/Egypt
11 JulyManilaTreaty of friendship (Art. II)India/Philippines
17 JulyKarachiAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)Pakistan/Netherlands
29 AugustCairoAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)Ethiopia/Pakistan
6 SeptemberGenevaUniversal copyright convention (Art. XV)Multilateral
19539 January Treaty of permanent friendship (Art. VI)Costa Rica/Spain
31 MarchNew York (opened for signature)Convention on the political rights of women (Art. IX)Multilateral
31 MarchNew York (opened for signature)Convention on the international right of correction (Art. V)Multilateral
2 AprilTokyoTreaty of friendship, commerce and navigation (Art. XXIV)United States/Japan
17 AprilAthensConsular convention (Art. 35)Greece/United Kingdom
27 AprilBangkokAgreement relating to air services (Art. 35)Thailand/Philippines
23 JuneNew York (opened for signature)Protocol for limiting and regulating cultivation of poppy plant, production of, international and wholesale trade in, and use of opium (Art. 15)Multilateral
1 JulyParis (opened for signature)Convention for the establishment of a European Organization for Nuclear Research (Art. XI)Multilateral
14 SeptemberColomboAgreement relating to air services (Art. 11)Netherlands/Ceylon
24 SeptemberHelsinkiAgreement concerning a supplement to the convention of 30 January 1926 for the pacific settlement of disputesFinland/Denmark
26 SeptemberMadridEconomic aids agreement (Art. IX)Spain/United States
19 OctoberVeniceConstitution of the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (Art. 30)Multilateral
7 December [3]New YorkSlavery convention signed at Geneva on 25 Sep. 1926, as amended (Art. 8)Multilateral
24 DecemberBeirut AAgreement for air services (Art. 10)Belgium/Lebanon
195416 FebruaryParisConvention on conditions of residence and navigation (Art. 13)Sweden/France
3 MarchBangkokTreaty of friendship (Art. VI)Thailand/Indonesia
20 MarchMexico CityConsular convention (Art. 36)United Kingdom/Mexico
17 AprilBeirutAgreement relating to air services (Art. XIII)Yugoslavia/Lebanon
12 MayLondon (opened for signature)International convention for the prevention of pollution of the sea by oil (Art. XIII)Multilateral
1 JuneRomeConsular convention (Art. 37)United Kingdom/Italy
28 SeptemberNew YorkConvention relating to the status of stateless persons (Art. 34)Multilateral
13 OctoberParis (opened for signature)International convention on the standardization of methods of analysing and appreciating wines (Art. 6)Multilateral
23 October [4]ParisTreaty for collaboration in economic, social and cultural matters and for collective self-defence signed at Brussels on 17 March 1948, as amended (Art. X)Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Fed. Rep. of Germany, Italy
29 OctoberWashingtonTreaty of friendship, commerce and navigation (Art. XXVII)United States/ Fed. Rep. of Germany
5 NovemberRangoonTreaty of peace (Art. IX)Burma/Japan
24 NovemberRio de JaneiroAgreement concerning conciliation and judicial settlement (Arts. 16-22)Italy/Brazil
1 December[5]ParisAgreement concerning the International Institute of Refrigeration, replacing the convention of 21 June 1920 (Art. XXXIII)Multilateral
14 DecemberQuitoAir transport agreement (Art. VIII)Multilateral
195531 JanuaryManilaAgreement for air services (Art. 11)Philippines/United Kingdom
5 MarchParisConsular convention (Art. 44)Sweden/France
10 AugustTripoliTreaty of friendship and good neighbourliness (Art. 8)France/Libya
15 AugustTehranTreaty of amity, economic relations and consular rights (Art. XXI)United States/Iran
17 SeptemberLuganoConvention concerning the regulation of Lake Lugano (Art. XI)Italy/Switzerland
20 OctoberBerneAdditional protocol to the convention concerning the constitution of "Eurofima" (Art. 14)Multilateral
21 OctoberBeirutAir transport agreement (Art. 11)Denmark/Lebanon
13 DecemberParisEuropean convention on establishment (Art. 31)Multilateral
195627 MarchThe HagueTreaty of friendship, commerce and navigation (Art. XXV)Netherlands/United States
30 AprilParisAgreement on commercial rights of no-scheduled air services in Europe (Art. 4)Multilateral
19 MayGeneva (opened for signature)Convention on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road (Art. 47)Multilateral
20 JuneNew York (opened for signature)Convention on the recovery abroad of maintenance (Art. 16)Multilateral
30 JulyBonnConsular convention (Art. 41)United Kingdom/Fed. Rep. of Germany
30 AugustManilaTreaty of friendship (Art. 2)Philippines/Switzerland
7 SeptemberGenevaSupplementary convention on the abolition of slavery, the slave trade, and institutions and practices similar to slavery (Art. 10)Multilateral
28 NovemberSeoulTreaty of friendship, commerce and navigation (Art. XXIV)United States/Rep. of Korea
11 DecemberAthensConvention on judicial settlementGreece/Sweden
195720 FebruaryNew York (opened for signature)Convention on the nationality of married women (Art. 10)Multilateral
28 FebruaryTokyoTreaty of commerce and navigation (Art. XVIII, para. 2)Norway/Japan
24 AprilCairoDeclaration on the Suez Canal and the arrangements for its operation (para. 9)Egypt[6]
29 AprilStrasbourg (opened for signature)European convention on the peaceful settlement of disputesMultilateral
23 JuneKabulAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)Pakistan/Afghanistan
23 NovemberThe HagueAgreement relating to refugee seamen (Art. 14)Multilateral
195820 JanuaryDjakartaTreaty of peace (Art. 6)Japan/Indonesia
3 FebruaryThe HagueTreaty instituting the Benelux Economic Union (Art. 50)Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands
5 MarchStockholmAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)Norway/Pakistan
6 MarchStockholmAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)Sweden/Pakistan
10 AprilCopenhagenAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)Denmark/Pakistan
14 AprilTehranAgreement concerning air transport (Art. 13)Belgium/Iran
29 AprilGeneva (opened for signature)Optional protocol of signature concerning the compulsory settlement of disputes [7]Multilateral
7 JuneKarachiAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)Pakistan/Portugal
4 JulyKarachiAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)Austria/Afghanistan
21 JulyViennaAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)Austria/Afghanistan
28 NovemberMonroviaAgreement for the establishment and operation of air services (Art. 9)Liberia/Netherlands
195930 JanuaryTegucigalpaAgreement on commerce (Art. XII)Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands/Honduras
16 JulyRomeAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)India/Italy
12 NovemberWashingtonTreaty of friendship and commerce (Art. XXIII)United States/Pakistan
19 NovemberRomeConvention placing the International Poplar Commission within the framework of FAO (Art. XV)Multilateral
25 NovemberParisConvention of establishment (Art. XVI)United States/France
25 NovemberBonnTreaty for the promotion and protection of investments (Art. 11)Pakistan/Fed. Rep. of Germany
1 DecemberWashingtonAntarctic treaty (Art. XI)Multilateral
9 DecemberMonroviaAgreement relating to air services (Art. VIII)Sweden/Liberia
196013 February[2]BeirutAgreement for air transport of 24 Jan. 1949 as amended (Art. 9)Italy/Lebanon
9 MarchConakryAir transport agreement (Art. 9)Netherlands/Guinea
15 MarchGenevaConvention relating to the unification of certain rules concerning collisions in inland navigation (Art. 14)Multilateral
24 MarchBerneAgreement concerning air services (Art. 9)Belgium/Switzerland
8 AprilThe HagueTreaty concerning arrangements for co-operation in the Ems estuary (Art. 46)Netherlands/Fed. Rep. of Germany
8 AprilThe HagueAgreement to accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the revised convention on Rhine navigation, 1868Netherlands/Fed. Rep. of Germany
24 JuneViennaConsular convention (Art. 45)United Kingdom/Austria
19 OctoberAmmanAgreement relating to air services (Art. 9)Belgium/Jordan
9 DecemberTokyoTreaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation (Art. VIII, para. 2)Japan/Philippines
14 DecemberParisConvention against discrimination in education (Art. 8)Multilateral
14 December [8]New DelhiAgreement of 11 July 1949 relating to air services as amended (Art. X)India/Australia
18 DecemberTokyoTreaty of friendship and commerce (Art. XIII)Pakistan/Japan
196121 FebruaryBrusselsTreaty of friendship, establishment and navigation (Art. 19)Belgium/United States
8 MarchBrusselsConsular convention (Art. 43)Belgium/United Kingdom
11 MarchReykjavikExchange of notes constituting an agreement settling the fisheries dispute (para. 4)Iceland/United Kingdom
30 MarchNew YorkSingle convention on narcotic drugs (Art. 48)Multilateral
3 AprilSaigonTreaty of amity and economic relations (Art. XIV)United States/Republic of Viet Nam
18 AprilViennaOptional protocol to the Vienna convention on diplomatic relations concerning the compulsory settlement of disputesMultilateral
30 MayMadridConsular convention (Art. 53)United Kingdom/Spain
17 JuneConakryAir transport agreement (Art. 9)Sweden/Guinea
19 JulyReykjavikExchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the fishery zone round Iceland (para. 5)Iceland/Fed. Rep. of Germany
27 JulyBeirutAgreement for the establishment and operation of air services (Art. XII)Lebanon/Liberia
24 AugustAmmanAgreement relating to air services (Art. 9)Netherlands/Jordan
30 AugustNew YorkConvention on the reduction of statelessness (Art. 14)Multilateral
31 AugustMonroviaAgreement relating to air services (Art. XII)Switzerland/Liberia
26 OctoberRomeInternational convention for the protection of performers, producers of phonograms and broadcasting organizations (Art. 30)Multilateral

23 November [9]

RomeConstitution of the International Rice Commission, adopted at Washington 15/29 Nov. 1948 as amended (Art. XI)Multilateral
23 November [9]RomeAgreement for the establishment of Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, adopted at Washington 15/29 Nov. 1948 as amended (Art. III)Multilateral
196223 FebruaryLuxembourgTreaty of friendship, establishment and navigation (Art. XVII)United States/Luxembourg
19 MarchEviancf. 1962, 3 July 
21 JuneParisAir transport agreement (Art. 9)Norway/Guinea
27 JuneCopenhagenConsular convention (Art. 36)United Kingdom/Denmark
29 JuneBonnAgreement relating to air services (Art. VIII)Norway/Liberia
3 July [10]Paris and Rocher-NoirExchange of letters and declarations adopted on 19 March 1962 at the close of the Evian talks, constituting an agreement (declaration of principles relating to the settlement of disputes)France/Algeria
14 NovemberLondonTreaty of commerce, establishment and navigation (Art. 31)United Kingdom/Japan
10 DecemberNew York (opened for signature)Convention on consent to marriage, minimum age for marriage and registration of marriages (Art. 8)Multilateral
19638 JanuarySeoulConsular convention (Art. 16)United States/Republic of Korea
24 AprilViennaOptional protocol to the Vienna convention on consular relations concerning the compulsory settlement of disputesMultilateral
13 AugustAsuncionAgreement on trade and navigation (Art. XVI)Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands/Paraguay
14 SeptemberTokyoConvention on offences and certain other acts committed on board aircraft (Art. 24)Multilateral
26 OctoberNiameyAct regarding navigation and economic co-operation between the States of the Niger Basin (Art. 7)Multilateral
31 OctoberParis (opened for signature)Protocol on privileges and immunities of the European Space Research Organization (Art. 29)Multilateral
3 DecemberRomeAgreement for the establishment of a General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean, drawn up at Rome on 24 Sep. 1949 as amended (Art. XIII)Multilateral
3 DecemberRomeAgreement for the establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Eastern Region of Its Distribution Area in South-West Asia (Art. XVII)Multilateral
19644 FebruaryKarachiAgreement relating to scheduled air services (Art. XII, para. B, ii)Pakistan/Lebanon
4 MayTokyoConsular convention (Art. 39)United Kingdom/Japan
19 SeptemberBeirutAgreement relating to air services (Art. XI)India/Lebanon
196525 JanuaryGenevaConvention on the registration of inland navigation vessels (Art. 20)Multilateral
18 MarchWashington (opened for signature)Convention on the settlement of investment disputes between States and nationals of other States (Art. 64)Multilateral
21 AprilBelgradeConsular convention (Art. 45)United Kingdom/Yugoslavia
2 JulyRomeAgreement for establishment of a commission for controlling the desert locust in the Near East (Art. XVI)Multilateral
7 JulyLondonTreaty for conciliation, judicial settlement and arbitration (Art. 14)United Kingdom/Switzerland
19668 FebruaryLoméTreaty of amity and economic relations (Art. XIV)United States/Togo
15 FebruaryGenevaConvention on the measurement of inland navigation vessels (Art. 14)Multilateral
7 MarchNew York (opened for signature)International convention of the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination (Art. 22)Multilateral
196731 JanuaryNew YorkProtocol relating to the status of refugees (Art. IV)Multilateral
14 FebruaryMexico CityTreaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons in Latin America (Art. 24)Multilateral
14 MarchManilaTrade agreement (Art. IX)Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands/Philippines
24 MayKabulAgreement relating to air services (Art. IX)Denmark/Afghanistan
1 JuneLondonConvention on conduct of fishing operations in the North Atlantic (Art. 13)Multilateral
10 JulyParisInternational agreement on the procedure for the establishment of tariffs for scheduled air services (Art. 4)Multilateral
14 JulyStockholmConvention for the protection of industrial property signed at Paris on 20 March 1883 as revised (Art. 28)Multilateral
196823 FebruaryBrusselsProtocol amending the international convention for the unification of certain rules of law relating to bills of lading, signed at Brussels on 25 August 1925 (Art. 8)Multilateral
8 NovemberViennaConvention on road traffic (Art. 52)Multilateral
8 NovemberViennaConvention on road signs and signals (Art. 44)Multilateral
196913 FebruaryGenevaAgreement establishing the European Molecular Biology Conference (Art. VIII)Multilateral
23 MayViennaConvention on the law of treaties (Art. 66)Multilateral
25 JulyBostonInternational health regulations (Art. 106)Multilateral
2 SeptemberWashingtonConsular convention (Art. 46)Belgium/United States
8 SeptemberMexico CityConvention on the privileges and immunities of the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Art. 7)Multilateral
30 DecemberBelgradeConsular convention (Art. 46)Belgium/Yugoslavia
197023 AprilBrusselsInternational convention on travel contracts (Art. 32, para. 2)International convention on travel contracts (Art. 32, para. 2)
19 JuneWashingtonTreaty on patent co-operation (Art. 59)Multilateral
1 DecemberRomeAgreement for the establishment of a commission for controlling the desert locust in North-West Africa (Art. XVI)Multilateral
16 DecemberThe HagueConvention on the suppression of the unlawful seizure of aircraft (Art. 12, para. 1)Multilateral
197121 FebruaryViennaConvention on psychotropic substances (Art. 31)Multilateral
14 JulyBrusselsTreaty of commerce (Art. 11)Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands/USSR
17 JulyAccraAgreement for the provision of a special loan to the Government of the Republic of Ghana to facilitate the payment of medium term commercial debts (Art. VII)United Kingdom/Ghana
24 JulyParisUniversal copyright convention, signed at Geneva on 6 September 1952, as revised (Art. XV)Multilateral
24 JulyParisConvention for the Protection of Literacy and Artistic Works signed at Berne on 9 September 1886, as revised (Art. 33)Multilateral
23 SeptemberMontrealConvention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of civil aviation (Art. 14)Multilateral
6 OctoberParisConvention on the establishment of the International Institute for the Management of Technology (Art. 7)Multilateral
197228 AprilAnkaraConsular convention (Art. 58)Belgium/Turkey
16 MayBasleEuropean convention on State immunity (Art. 34)Multilateral
197310 MayGenevaAgreement establishing the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (Art. XII)Multilateral
12 JuneThe HagueProtocol relating to refugee seamen (Art. II)Multilateral
22 JuneRomeAgreement for the establishment of a Regional Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia, the Far East and the South-West Pacific (Art. XX)Multilateral
5 OctoberMunichConvention on the grant of European patents (Art. 173)Multilateral
19 NovemberMontevideoTreaty of the La Plata River and its maritime limits (Art. 87)Uruguay/Argentina
30 NovemberNew YorkInternational convention on the suppression and punishment of the crime of apartheid (Art. XII)Multilateral
14 DecemberNew YorkConvention on the prevention and punishment of crimes against internationally protected persons, including diplomatic agents (Art. 13)Multilateral
197419 FebruaryMadridAgreement on the delimitation of the continental shelf (Art. 3, para. 2)Italy/Spain
22 MarchHelsinkiConvention on the protection of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea area (Art. 18, para. 2)Multilateral
16 MayKhartoumAgreement relating to the joint exploitation of the natural resources of the sea-bed and subsoil of the Red Sea in the common zone (Art. XVI)Sudan/Saudi Arabia
197526 FebruarySaltoTreaty concerning the status of the river Uruguay (Art. 60)Uruguay/Argentina
8 AugustNew YorkSingle convention on narcotic drugs, 1961, as amended (Art. 48)Multilateral
197724 MayAthensAgreement on the delimitation of the respective continental shelves of the two States (Art. IV)Greece/Italy
19785 JulyGenevaProtocol to the convention on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road (CMR) (Art. 8)Multilateral
197930 MarchGenevaInternational agreement on olive oil (Art. 14, para. 2)Multilateral
8 AprilViennaConstitution of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) (Art. 22, para. 1(b))Multilateral
10 MayManilaTreaty of amity, commerce and navigation (Art. XV, para. 2)Japan/Philippines
17 DecemberNew YorkInternational convention against the taking of hostages (Art. 16, para. 1)Multilateral
18 DecemberNew YorkConvention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (Art. 29)Multilateral
198020 MayCanberraConvention on the conservation of Antarctic marine living resourcesMultilateral
30 OctoberLimaGeneral peace treaty (Arts. 31-36 and 39)El Salvador/Honduras
198123 JanuaryCotonouAgreement concerning technical co-operation (Art. XI)Switzerland/Benin
198410 DecemberNew YorkConvention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Art. 30, para. 1)Multilateral
198522 MarchViennaVienna convention for the protection of the ozone layer (Art. 11)Multilateral
10 DecemberNew YorkInternational convention against apartheid in sports (Art. 19)Multilateral
198621 MarchViennaVienna convention on the law of treaties between States and international organizations or between international organizations (Art. 66, para. 2)Multilateral
198810 MarchRomeConvention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of maritime navigation (Art. 18, para. 1)Multilateral
20 DecemberViennaUnited Nations convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Art. 32)Multilateral
 19 OctoberBerneTreaty of extradition (Art.17, para 2)Philippines/Switzerland
19894 DecemberNew YorkInternational convention against the recruitment, use, financing and training of mercenaries (Art. 17, para. 1)Multilateral
199125 FebruaryEspooConvention on environmental impact assessment in a trans boundary context (Art. 15, para. 2)Multilateral
1 MarchMontrealConvention on the marking of plastic explosives for the purpose of detection (Art. XI, para. 1)Multilateral
25 NovemberBerneTreaty of mutual assistance in criminal matters (Art.21, para.3)Australia/Switzerland
199217 MarchHelsinkiConvention on the protection and use of trans boundary watercourses and international lakes (Art. 22, para. 1)Multilateral
9 MayNew YorkUnited Nations framework convention on climate change (Art.14, para.2)Multilateral
5 JuneRio de JaneiroConvention on biological diversity (Art. 27, para. 3)Multilateral
199313 JanuaryParisConvention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction (Art. XIV, para. 2)Multilateral
10 MayCamberraConvention for the conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (Art.16, para. 2)Multilateral
14 OctoberDakarAgreement of Managment and Co-operation (Art.9)Senegal/Guinea-Bissau
1994 14 June OsloProtocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range trans boundary air pollution on further reduction of sulphur emissions (Art. 9) Multilateral
199513 SeptemberNew YorkInterim Accord (Art. 21, para. 2)Greece/ The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
199610 SeptemberNew YorkComprehensive nuclear test ban Treaty (art. 6, paras. 2 and 3)Multilateral
28 OctoberNew YorkAgreement on the establishment of the International Vaccine Institute (art. 7, paras. 2 and 3)Multilateral
199715 DecemberNew YorkInternational convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings (art. 20, par. 1)Multilateral
199818 JuneTampereConvention on the provision of telecommunication resources for disaster mitigation and relief operations (Art. 11, para.3 (b) )Multilateral
24 JuneAarhusProtocol to the 1979 convention on long-range transboundary air pollution on persistent organic pollutants (Art. 12, para. 2 (a) )Multilateral
24 JuneAarhusProtocol to the 1979 convention on long-range transboundary air pollution on heavy metals (Art. 11 para. 2 (a) )Multilateral
25 JuneAarhusConvention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters (Art. 16, para. 2 (a) )Multilateral
17 JulyRomeStatute of the International Criminal Court (Art. 119, para. 2)Multilateral
10 SeptemberRotterdamConvention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade (Art. 20, para. 2 (b) )Multilatéral
199917 JuneLondonProtocol on water and health to the 1992 convention on the protection and use of transboundary watercourses and international lakes (Art. 20, para. 2 (b) )Multilateral
30 NovemberGöteborgProtocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range tranboundary air pollution to abate acidification, eutrophication and ground-level ozone (Art. 11, paras. 2 et 4)Multilateral
09 DecemberNew YorkInternational convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism (Art. 24, para. 1)Multilateral
200012 DecemberPalermoProtocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air, supplementing the United Nations convention against transnational organized crime (Art. 20, para. 2)Multilateral
12 DecemberPalermoProtocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children, supplementing the United Nations convention against transnational organized crime (Art. 15, para. 2)Multilateral
12 DecemberPalermoUnited Nations convention against transnational organized crime (Art. 35, para. 2)Multilateral
200122 MayiStockholmConvention on persistent organic pollutants (Art. 16, para. 2)Multilateral
31 MayNew YorkProtocol against the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition, supplementing the United Nations convention against transnational organized crime (Art. 16, para. 2)Multilateral
200209 SeptemberThe HagueAgreement on the privileges and immunities of the International Criminal Court (Art. 32, par. 3)Multilateral
200321 MayKievProtocol on civil liability and compensation for damage caused by the transboundary effects of industrial accidents on transboundary waters to the 1992 convention on the protection and use of transboundary watercourses and international lakes and to the 1992 convention on the transboundary effects of industrial accidents (Art. 26)Multilateral
21 MayKievProtocol on pollutant release and transfer registers to the convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters (Art. 23)Multilateral
31 OctoberNew YorkUnited Nations convention against corruption (Art. 66, par. 2)Multilateral
200513 AprilNew YorkInternational Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, Art 23, para. 1.Multilateral
200620 DecemberNew YorkInternational Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, Art 42, para. 1.Multilateral
202326  MayLjubljanaLjubljana – The Hague Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of the Crime of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes and other International Crimes (Art. 86)Multilateral

1. All entries recorded throughout this Section in respect of China refer to actions taken by the authorities representing China in the United Nations at the time of those actions, and are to be understood in the light of General Assembly resolution 2758 (XXVI) of 25 October 1971.

2. The date and place given here are those of the signature of the amending protocol.

3. The dates and the places given here are those at which the amending protocol was opened for signature.

4. The date and the place given here are those of the signature of the protocol modifying and completing the Treaty, by which Article VIII of the Treaty became Article X.

5. The date and place given here are those of the signature of the revised Convention.

6. See the declaration of Egypt.

7. This Protocol relates to disputes concerning the Geneva Conventions on the Law of the Sea of 29 April 1958.

8. The date given here is that of the exchange of notes which modified the Agreement and by which Article XI became Article X.

9. The date and the place given here are those on which the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations approved the amendments to the instrument.

10. The date and the places given here are those of the exchange of letters.

